Affirmation Poem

Read aloud with your hand on your heart (if you'd like to):

Affirmation Poem

Self belief is an empowering force, 

no-one can take this away from me, 

it is mine to grow and mine to feel.

Self awareness is too, 

it's within my control, to determine my goals,

it's not a limiting factor.

If I can say that I know who I am

and I'm proud of how far I've come, 

know this as my journey, 

no-one else's to compare.

My confidence comes from being able to be my authentic self. 

Being my authentic self brings peace to my life

And life to my days.


I am me, unashamedly,

Radiating love, unreservedly,

Living life, wholeheartedly.

Peace, be with me.

A Wensley




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