The May Queen and her Jack in the Green (Beltane, Glastonbury 2024)

 The May Queen and her Jack in the Green

Blessed union;

Oh May Queen and your Jack in the Green,

Come with colour, paint the scene;

Leaves unfurl and blossom bloom

Life spring forth o' Earth Mother's' womb.

Oh fertile be the lands of Summer

Levels flood but riseth never

To the top o' Glastonbury Tor.

For Avalon, a portal-door

To all the lands ancient holds fast, 

Greens the Men, breathes song, spells cast:

"Air my breath & fire my spirit

Earth my body, water my blood"*

Traditions here be grown on trees

Then danced around by maidens, freed,

Of modern ways,

Oh May Queen days! 

Maypole ribbons intertwine,

Drum beats, hearts beat,

Yours and mine.

A Wensley


*the song of the green men as they carry the to the songwriter


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