Four hardy poets waxing gibbous (Group Walk Three: Bin Combe Loop)

 Our poet-knights this November day,
Set off through Bin Combe, waterproofed, yay!
The Autumn leaves aglow with amber
Spurred them forth, no keener ramblers
Ever, oh ever, did I see, I see
Oh ever did I see!

Beneath an arch, a portal zone,
They hiked with gusto - creaks and groans
Did hear they from the wood surrounds,
But fear they not the muddy ground
Oh yes, oh yes the squelchy-squelch
Oh yes, the squelchy squelch!

Traversing ancient boundary lines
Our poets make it up th'incline,
Crossing roads, through sessile oak
Thy waterproofs drying, not too soak -
Ing wet, ing wet, ing wet, ing wet,
Oh yes, it weren't too wet!

Two roads converged in our walk-wood
Two of us took less travelled, good!
In search of Lady's Spring we went
But on arrival she was spent!
Oh yes, dear lady, lady well,
Oh dear, oh well oh well!

Combe to combe Coco did bounce
Scruffling leaves, a squirrel, pounce!
Onwards upwards to Dowsborough Fort
But not today, we thought, we ought -
To march more quickly, quickly, quickly!
Raining! Raining! Quickly! Quickly!

A yellow-leaved carpet did greet our feet
When t'rain had stopped, oh chestnuts, sweet!
Then ancient beech did line our way
To Walford's Gibbet, gold Larches sway.
We're nearly there, our muscles aching,
Yes, oh yes, aching, oh aching!

One last descent before we go,
High-sided narrow hedg-er-ow,
Four poets, four hours, friendly banter
Feeling better for their canter,
Glad we made it in one piece,
Oh yes, oh yes, one piece, oh peace!

A Wensley



  1. I've entered this poem into a Walk.Listen.Create competition, closing date today. Here's the edited 250 max word version I submitted.

    Four Hardy Poets

    Four hardy poets this November day,
    Set off through Bincombe, waterproofed, yay!
    The Autumn leaves aglow with amber
    Spurred them forth, no keener ramblers
    Ever, oh ever, did I see, I see
    Oh ever did I see!

    Beneath an arch, a portal-zone,
    They hiked with gusto, creaks and groans
    Did hear they from the wood surrounds,
    But fear they not the muddy ground
    Oh yes, oh yes, the squelchy-squelch
    Oh yes, the squelchy-squelch!

    Traversing ancient boundary lines
    Our poets puffed up the incline,
    Crossing roads, through sessile oak
    Waterproofs dripping, so-so-soak￾ing wet, ‘ing wet, ‘ing wet, ‘ing wet,
    Oh yes, it were so wet!

    Two roads converged in our walk-wood
    Two of us took less-travelled, good!
    In search of Lady's Spring we went
    But on arrival she was spent!
    Oh yes, dear lady, lady well,
    Oh dear, oh well oh well!

    Combe to combe Coco did bounce,
    Scruffling leaves, a squirrel, pounce!
    Onwards upwards to Dowsborough Fort
    But not today, we thought we ought -
    To march more quickly, quickly, quickly!
    Raining! Raining! Quickly! Quickly!

    Golden carpets did greet our feet
    When t' rain had stopped, oh chestnuts, sweet!
    Then ancient beech did line our way
    To Walford's Gibbet, Larch a-sway.
    We're nearly there, our muscles aching,
    Yes, oh yes, aching, oh aching!

    One last descent before we go,
    High-sided narrow hedg-er-ow,
    Four poets, four hours, friendly banter
    Feeling better for their canter!
    Glad we made it in one piece!
    Oh yes, oh yes, one piece, oh peace!


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