
Showing posts from July, 2024

Strand lines on the sand

Strand lines on the sand Triggered tides of loss and fear Wash in, out and over me,  The strand lines on the sand Evidence the debris You created back then, When, I fought the shockwaves And lost my sense of self.  I was driftwood  Floating on a sea of uncertainty,  The only certainty are the memories, flashbacks,  Etched fossil-like on my mind,  Embedded rock hard, never to be eroded.  And yet time has softened  My heightened senses, sharp edges; DBT and Mindfulness have brought clarity  To my cloudy waters of doubt,  And each triggered tide Brings forth less debris  To my mind's strand line. When I watch the tide of emotions Coming into shore now,  I'm able to ride them,  Surf them even,  Because I accept my triggers,  They are part of my journey And there is so much more sea Left to explore  Than the shore I found myself on,  Back then.  Where there are triggers There will always be strand,  Where there are inner wounds There will always be heart scars,  But where there is c

Affirmation Poem

Read aloud with your hand on your heart (if you'd like to): Affirmation Poem Self belief is an empowering force,  no-one can take this away from me,  it is mine to grow and mine to feel. Self awareness is too,  it's within my control, to determine my goals, it's not a limiting factor. If I can say that I know who I am and I'm proud of how far I've come,  know this as my journey,  no-one else's to compare. My confidence comes from being able to be my authentic self.  Being my authentic self brings peace to my life And life to my days. So... I am me, unashamedly, Radiating love, unreservedly, Living life, wholeheartedly. Peace, be with me. A Wensley 3.07.2024 #Strivingnotjustsurviving